NEW Program FAQs - Kenneth Rainin Foundation

NEW Program FAQs

Explore frequently asked questions about our NEW Program, which supports dance, theater and multidisciplinary arts organizations.


Which Foundation grant program is the best fit for my organization and project?

We ask that applicants carefully read the guidelines and eligibility requirements for each grant program before applying. If after reading the requirements you still have questions, contact our Arts Program Staff. 


Please read the guidelines below. If you have further questions about your eligibility, contact our Arts Program Staff

What type of organizations are eligible for Foundation funding?

Organizations eligible for funding include nonprofit organizations and individual artists or projects with a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor.  

Where does the proposed work need to take place to be eligible for NEW Program funding?

Applicants must operate in San Francisco, Alameda, Marin, San Mateo, Contra Costa or Santa Clara counties. However, the NEW program prioritizes support for projects that take place in San Francisco and Oakland. Historically, over 90% of awarded grants have gone to projects in those two cities. 

What size organizations are eligible for NEW Program funding?

Applicant annual budgets range from the minimum budget requirement of $10,000 to approximately $2M. While larger budget organizations are eligible to apply, it does affect the competitiveness of their proposal. In 2024, over 50% of grant funding went to organizations or fiscally sponsored projects with budgets under $250,000. 

Organizations with annual budgets under $10,000 for the last closed fiscal year are not eligible to apply. If your last closed fiscal year budget does not meet this requirement, but you have had an annual budget of at least $10,000 within the last three years, please submit that prior year budget with your application. 

If I received a NEW Program grant last year, am I eligible to apply this year?

No. NEW Program awards cannot be made to the same organization or fiscally sponsored project two years in a row. 

If I received a NEW Program grant in 2023, am I eligible to apply in 2025?

Yes, if you have completed your previously funded project and submitted your grant report by the application deadline, then you are eligible to apply. 

If I am currently receiving support from the Foundation through a program other than the NEW Program, am I eligible to apply?

Yes. However, we prefer that you contact our Arts Program Staff to discuss before applying. 

Can I apply for capital support from the NEW Program?

No. The NEW Program provides project support only.  

The Foundation directs its support for capital projects through its partnership with the Community Arts Stabilization Trust (CAST). 

Evaluation Process & Criteria Explanations 

How are applications evaluated?

For information on how applications are scored, read about the Evaluation Process on our NEW Program landing page under “How To Apply. 

Who reviews the applications?

We use a panel process comprised of Bay Area artists with experience in dance and theater and multidisciplinary arts. These panelists read and score each eligible proposal. The panelists are diverse with respect to age, race, ethnicity, gender and knowledge of artistic practices and traditions.  

In general, what makes a strong application?

Strong applications will be those that directly and succinctly address all core criteria — explaining how the project pushes boundaries, is relevant and timely, and has strong community connection.

We also suggest looking at past awardees to see the wide range of projects that have been supported.    

What does the Foundation mean by “new and experimental”?

Panelists will assess the degree to which a work is both new and experimental.  

We understand a new work to be one that is not fully developed or has not been presented in the Bay Area.  

Experimentation can relate to the project’s subject matter, the ways in which artists are broadening their artistic discipline or in how a project is providing artists with a unique opportunity to advance their own practice.  

Previous successful applicants have expressed experimentation in the following ways:  

  • Exploring new possibilities for integrating technology into performance. 
  • Advancing multidisciplinary collaborations through performance. 
  • Fusing contemporary styles with traditional ritual practices. 
  • Drawing inspiration from outside of the Western canon to explore other approaches to storytelling. 
  • Performing at nontraditional venues or unconventional times to reach new and different audiences. 

What does the Foundation mean by “boundary-pushing”?

Panelists will assess the degree to which the project expands the boundaries of dance and/or theater and supports artists advancing their own practice. 

Previous successful applicants have expressed boundary-pushing in the following ways:  

  • Exploring new movement vocabularies or aesthetics 
  • Challenging traditional performance practices, norms or conventions 
  • Expanding conceived limits of art forms 
  • Questioning who qualifies as performers and what themes and topics can be addressed through performance 

What does the Foundation mean by “relevant and timely”?

Panelists will assess the degree to which the project content addresses timely and compelling issues relevant to the artists and communities it intends to serve. 

Previous successful applicants have expressed relevance and timeliness in the following ways:  

  •  Tackling current global crises with important local dimensions 
  • Challenging historical narratives to share new perspectives 
  • Amplifying traditionally marginalized voices 
  • Addressing rising attitudes or prejudices that permeate our society 
  • Addressing emerging or growing social, political and environmental issues 

What does the Foundation mean by “community connection”?

Panelists will assess the degree to which the project considers, reflects and/or meaningfully connects to the unique communities it seeks to serve. 

Previous successful applicants have described their community connection in the following ways:  

  • Interviewing and consulting community members to reflect their stories, perspectives and insights 
  • Integrating participatory aspects to involve intended audiences in the performance itself 
  • Focusing on empowering audiences in their own lives 
  • Employing artists from the communities the project hopes to serve and reflect 
  • Developing related workshop curriculum for local communities 
  • Compensating community members for their contributions to the project 

How important are work samples?

Work samples are very important to the panelists. Work samples can include videos, written samples and production photos/materials.  

The most helpful work samples:  

  • Relate to the work being proposed 
  • Showcase recent work (ideally within the last five years) 
  • Describe the work sample and how it connects to the proposed project 
  • Are clearly labeled 

Video work samples should: 

  • Show continuous excerpts of performance (highlight or “sizzle” reels are not as helpful) 
  • Be a maximum of five minutes in total 
  • Include any necessary user/password information and cueing instructions 

How many awards are made each year?

While the number of awards is dependent on the total amounts requested by applicants, we anticipate awarding between 20 and 30 grants each year 

What are my chances of getting an award?

In a typical year we receive around 100-120 applications and have historically funded around 25% of them. In 2024, we received nearly 100 applications and funded around 40% of applicants.  

If my project receives a grant, how much support can I expect?

NEW Program grants range from $5,000 to $30,000 and we endeavor to fund the full amount of support requested. However, if that is not possible, we are committed to funding a minimum of 70% of the requested amount.  

What percentage of awards are made to applicants who have never received a NEW Program grant before?

The NEW Program strives to be accessible to first time applicants. On average, 58% of awards were made to first time recipients over the last two cycles.  

Discipline Focus & Artist Collaboration 

What artistic disciplines are eligible for NEW Program funding?

Dance, theater and multidisciplinary projects are eligible for the NEW Program.  

 Note: multidisciplinary projects must demonstrate that they are grounded in dance and/or theater to be eligible for support. 

Are musicals, operas and other music-focused projects eligible for funding?


While many of the projects supported through the NEW Program incorporate musical elements, music-focused projects, including musicals, operas and/or other musical performances will not be funded.  

Can I collaborate with artists outside of the Bay Area on my project?

Yes, you may collaborate with artists outside of the Bay Area.  

However, the majority of artists participating in the project must be based in and/or have a demonstrated history of producing in the Bay Area (i.e., Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo or Santa Clara counties). 

Does the NEW Program exclusively support world premieres of original works?

The NEW Program supports both new and experimental works. This includes the creation of new performance work and/or restagings of contemporary theatrical productions. Please note that only restagings that have not had a Bay Area premiere will be considered. While the Foundation’s priority is to support Bay Area artists and to highlight local voices in the process, we accept applications from local organizations for work that originates from outside of the region. 

Budget & Expenses

Please read the guidelines below and if you have further questions pertaining to budgeting, contact our Arts Program Staff

What are panelists looking for when they review a budget?

Panelists will assess the degree to which the budget reflects the scope and priorities of the project and that funds have been allocated appropriately to all of the key activities and personnel.  

The strongest budgets: 

  • Separate out payments to artists as its own budget line item. 
  • Provide clear explanations for each line item in the budget notes, breaking down large costs when needed to show how funds will be used. 
  • Include all necessary expenses and income sources – shows direct costs (e.g., materials, equipment, staffing) and indirect costs (e.g., administrative fees, utilities). 


What financials do I need to submit with my application?

Project budgets will be required from all applicants. Applicants can elect to use The Common Application project budget template. We recommend including detailed budget notes to provide panelists with insight into your budget calculations. Budget notes provide crucial information for panelists as they evaluate applications, especially as it relates to artist or community compensation.

We will only request applicant financial statements (such as profit and loss statements and balance sheets) from applicants we are recommending for funding.  

What expenses count towards the one-half artist fee budget requirement?

The one-half artist fee budget requirement can include payments to artists involved in the development, creation and execution of the project. The Foundation does not have a strict definition for which artists can count towards the requirement; however, they should be central to the successful execution of the project. For example, in addition to artists such as choreographers, playwrights and performers, lighting and costume designer fees may count towards the requirement. Expenses in this category may also include artist’s direct expenses for creating the work such as materials, supplies, equipment and travel. 

If you have further questions about this requirement, contact our Arts Program Staff. 

What expenses can be covered with the remaining one-half of grant funds?

The remaining one-half of grant funds are meant to be unrestricted support for the grant recipient.   

These funds can be spent on artist fees, direct and indirect project costs, and on general operating expenses of the organization receiving the grant.  

Our annual budget is less than $10,000. Are we eligible to apply?

Organizations with annual budgets under $10,000 for the last closed fiscal year are not eligible to apply. NEW Program grants range from $5,000 – $30,000.

If your last closed fiscal year budget does not meet this requirement, but you have had an annual budget of at least $10,000 within the last three years, please submit that prior year budget with your application.

Application Process: Using The Common App 

How do I apply for a NEW Program grant?

All applicants must complete and submit an application through GivingData, our online portal. As part of our commitment to the environment, the Foundation does not accept printed materials by regular mail. 

Our application has been revised to match The Common Application for the Arts in partnership with a consortium of Bay Area arts funders. 

What is The Common App and how can I use it to submit my application?

To find out more about The Common App, including which funders are using the tool, instructions on how to use it and frequently asked questions, visit 

Can I copy and paste my application into the online portal?

Yes, however, please note the word count limits in advance of preparing your application, as the system will not allow additional text beyond the set restrictions. If you are working on the application outside of the system, we highly recommend leaving yourself ample time to copy and paste your application. 

Should fiscally sponsored organizations create their own profiles in the online portal?

Yes, fiscally sponsored organizations need to create their own profile and should not apply using their fiscal sponsor’s profile. Fiscally sponsored organizations will need to upload their fiscal sponsor’s 501(c)(3) determination letter to create their profile. 


Is a DataArts Funder Report required to apply?

No, it is not a requirement for application. However, if awarded a grant, recipients will be required to submit their DataArts report as part of their final report.  

Applicants who currently have a DataArts profile are strongly encouraged to submit their funder report with their application. 

Why does Rainin require grantees to complete and submit a DataArts Funder Report?

The Foundation values DataArts as a vital resource for the arts sector and as a tool for arts organizations and funders to make data informed and adaptive strategic decisions about their work. The Foundation reviews all financial documents and occasionally follows up with applicants on additional questions. 

 The Foundation will waive this requirement for: 

  • Organizations with annual budgets under $50,000. 
  • Fiscally sponsored organizations applying to the NEW Program for the first time and that do not currently have a DataArts profile or funder report. 

Why does the Common App include a demographic survey?

Included in The Common App is a section seeking demographic information on the applicant’s:  

  •  Board of Directors 
  • Leadership Team 
  • Staff 
  • Artistic Team 

This data will help to build foundations’ capacity and improve their technical assistance support. Demographic information will only be shared between funders using The Common App in anonymized, aggregate form. 

It will not be used to determine eligibility, and no applicant will be excluded from consideration based on its responses. 

If you don’t have accurate information to answer these questions, please indicate by marking the “don’t collect” boxes.