Privacy Policy - Kenneth Rainin Foundation

Privacy Policy

This policy was last updated on June 1, 2023. By visiting our website, you are accepting the terms described in our privacy policy. If you do not agree to the terms, please do not use the website.

Certain parts of this website allow you to submit personally identifying information (PII, for short) to us. It is always your choice to submit this information. The following information concerns how we use, store and manage your data, and how you can view, correct and delete that data.

It is always your choice whether to provide this personal data. However, some personal data must be provided to participate in certain programs, activities or events (such as to sign up for a newsletter, apply for a job, register to participate in one of our events, apply for a grant, etc.), so the decision not to provide information might limit or eliminate certain functions of our sites or your ability to participate. Please do not disclose more personal data than is requested.

Policy Details

Who is collecting my personally identifying information (PII)?

For Kenneth Rainin Foundation’s compliance with the law, the entity that is collecting your data is the Kenneth Rainin Foundation. You can contact the Communications Team at any time. Other ways we may collect your information from you include online portals, electronic forms, surveys or interactive portions of our sites, such as:

  • Grant applications
  • Electronic forms
  • Surveys
  • Mobile apps
  • Event registration
  • Third parties who:
    • Conduct surveys
    • Provide information on your company/organization
    • Provide professional references
    • Publicly available sources
    • Third-party analytics providers
    • And other third parties

How are you using my information?

When you sign up for the Kenneth Rainin Foundation newsletter, events or grants, we use your PII to deliver news, information and surveys to you, as well as personalized ad content.

Will my PII be shared with other parties?

We do not sell or rent your data to other parties. We do not share your data with other parties except as necessary to contact you for grants, events or to manage your job application—see list above.

Where will my PII be stored?

Your information will be stored on computers located within the United States. If you submit your personally identifying information from within the EU, that information will be transmitted outside of the EU to computers located within the United States. The European Commission has evaluated privacy safeguards in countries around the world. Read more about that here.

How long will you store my PII?

If you sign up on one of our methods listed above, we will store your information unless and until one of two conditions is met:

  1. Kenneth Rainin Foundation ceases to exist as a legal entity
  2. You withdraw your consent for the use and storage of your information

If you submit a job application to us, we will store this information only as long as it takes to process your application, unless you are employed by us, in which case we will retain these records for the duration of your employment.

How can I learn what personally identifying information (PII) you have?

At any time, you have the right to request a copy of your PII from us. You have the right to correct mistakes in this information at any time. Please contact the Communications Team for either request.

I don’t want you to have my PII anymore. What can I do?

You have the right to withdraw your consent for the use and storage of your data at any time. Please contact the Communications Team and let us know, and we will delete your PII from our systems and confirm this to you in writing.

I’m unhappy with how you’ve handled my PII. What can I do?

If you are unhappy with our handling of your data, please contact the Communications Team. If we cannot resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you have the right to lodge a formal complaint about our handling of your data with the relevant supervisory authority under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU:

The Information Commissioner’s Office
Water Lane, Wycliffe House
Wilmslow – Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel. +44 1625 545 745

Does your site use cookies?

We may collect some personal data automatically. For example, when you visit a foundation website, we may collect your Internet Protocol (IP) address, Internet service provider (ISP), and browser type and language. We also may use cookies and similar technologies to collect data about your interaction with our sites, including referring webpage, pages visited on our sites and crash data. Read our Cookie Policy for more information.

Do you use information from third parties?

We may receive personal data about you from other sources, including your company/organization, professional references, publicly available sources, third-party analytics providers and other third parties. For example, we may receive your personal data if: someone at your company/organization designates you as a contact person for that company/organization or includes information about you in proposal documents; another visitor includes it in any feedback, comments, photos, videos or other information submitted via online portals, electronic forms, surveys or interactive portions of our sites; one of our employees or service providers provides it to us; or a third party acting on apparent authority provides it to us when registering you to access our facilities or our sites, apply for a job or participate in one of our events.