Gaining Momentum - Kenneth Rainin Foundation

Gaining Momentum

Chart that shows the percentage of children in our 2017-18 SEEDS classrooms who progressed to be near, at, or above targets for key skills that are predictive of school readiness. Vocabulary progressed from 71% to 96% with SEEDS. Letter Naming progressed from 56% to 96%. Rhyming progressed from 46% to 92%. Alliteration progressed from 46% to 93%. Letter Sounds progressed from 34% to 95%.
Chart that shows the percentage of children in our 2015-16 SEEDS classrooms who progressed to be near, at, or above targets for key skills that are predictive of school readiness. Vocabulary progressed from 48% to 96% with SEEDS. Letter Naming progressed from 84% to 99%. Rhyming progressed from 37% to 91%. Alliteration progressed from 41% to 93%. Letter Sounds progressed from 73% to 94%.

The SEEDS of Learning (now FluentSeeds) program celebrates strong, multi-year gains in student learning.