Developing a first-in-class oral small molecule aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist for ulcerative colitis. - Kenneth Rainin Foundation

Developing a first-in-class oral small molecule aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist for ulcerative colitis.

Azora Therapeutics is developing a novel small molecule, AT177, for the treatment of refractory ulcerative colitis (UC). UC is a chronic inflammatory disease of the colon that affects over 1 million individuals in the United States and is associated with poor quality of life. Efficacy of currently available therapy is suboptimal, and most patients cannot sustain long-term remission, with 14% ultimately requiring colectomy surgery. AT177 is a potential first-in-class oral small molecule aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonist. AhR has been shown to play an important in regulating healthy immune and barrier function in the colon. The aim of this project is to conduct preclinical studies to support advancement to clinical studies in humans.