Grants Archive - Page 100 of 178 - Kenneth Rainin Foundation

For five Education for Change elementary schools to support improving core instruction and literacy supports for transitional kindergartners to second grade students and their teachers. Supports will include literacy coaches, tutor resources and facilitated professional learning communities for site leaders and teachers.

To support Oakland Public Library’s Literacy Programming Fund. Oakland Public Library will purchase 14,000 books for distribution through multiple programs, including but not limited to: Día (Diversity in Action), Books for Wider Horizons preschool graduation giveaways, Summer Reading, Winter Bingo, and Share the Love outreach (distribution via the Oakland Housing Authority, hospital waiting rooms and […]

For developmental playgroups, workshops for families, and early screenings for children birth to five. Funding will also support leading family resource center professional learning communities in the region and offering services to other birth to five providers.

For a continued partnership focusing on transitional kindergarten to second grade literacy with 39 district schools. The goal is to reduce the number of second and third graders who are reading below grade level by providing targeted and data driven support in earlier years. Support includes leader and teacher professional development, SEEDS of Learning for […]

To support delivery of their birth to five early literacy program at 18 clinics in Oakland. Pediatricians are trained to speak with families during well-child visits about the importance of reading aloud and interacting with children. Families also receive a free book at each visit.

To support enrollment and service to 700 unduplicated students at reading centers across Oakland with twice weekly, 45-minute literacy tutoring sessions.

To support a five-week virtual summer school program with daily reading instruction for up to 1,200 rising kindergarten to third grade students from district schools. Program includes weekly workshops to train parents to teach reading at home, teacher professional development, coaching and home visits.

To maintain the take-home book program for 150 classrooms and 2,770 children and provide continued capacity building for Father Corps program staff.

To support cross-sector collaborations, led by the Mayor’s Director of Education, to advance early childhood education efforts, support kinder readiness goals and provide continued support for Oakland Promise’s cradle-to-career efforts.