Grants Archive - Page 102 of 187 - Kenneth Rainin Foundation

For five Education for Change elementary schools to support improving core instruction and literacy supports for 900 transitional kindergartners to first grade students and their teachers. Funding includes: transitional kindergarten to first grade focused literacy coaches, tutor resources and a facilitated monthly professional learning community for site leaders and teachers to support data analysis and application of evidence-based […]

To support OPL’s Children’s Literacy Programming Fund. OPL will purchase 14,000 giveaway books for distribution through multiple programs, including but not limited to: Día (Diversity in Action) events, Books for Wider Horizons (BWH) preschool graduation giveaways, Summer Reading, Winter Bingo, and Share the Love outreach (distribution at the Oakland Housing Authority picnics, hospital waiting rooms, laundromats).

To provide support and maintenance of Literacy Lab’s LitTab (e-readers) program in 22 classrooms, LitBag (take home books with journals) program in 18 classrooms, and Learning Stations in 52 preschool classrooms, serving 1,752 students.

To support Lotus Bloom’s (LB) Parent-Child School Readiness Playgroups & Family Resource Services. In addition to connecting families to resources and services, LB will offer playgroups, twice weekly for 40 weeks for three hours each. LB will also provide training to family, friends & neighbor partners to build their capacity to start and sustain their own […]

To support a Program Manager (PM) position to develop and implement a series of continuous learning programs for the Oakland Literacy Coalition’s membership Literacy Service Providers. Funds will also support securing an Outreach Coordinator for the Oakland Reads mini grants programs (Family Reading Celebrations during the school year and Summer Reading Mini Grants), establishing additional partnerships […]

For 11 elementary schools to support building on core instruction and literacy supports for transitional kindergartners to first grade students and their teachers. Funding includes: transitional kindergarten to first grade focused literacy coaches, tutor resources and a facilitated monthly professional learning community for site leaders and teachers to support data analysis and application of evidence-based literacy practices that help children […]

To support Reach out and Read (ROR) in maintaining delivery of their birth to 5 early literacy program at 18 clinics in Oakland. Pediatricians are trained to speak with families during well child visits about the importance of reading aloud & interacting with their children. Families also receive a free book at each visit. ROR […]

To fund a second year of a teacher development and assessment system project that triangulates: 1. community-specific “Indicators of Impact” (III); 2. teacher effectiveness; and 3. classic academic indicators (CA State Achievement data). Data will be used to design teacher growth plans and to measure the impacts of teacher development on teacher performance and student outcomes.