To provide support for the planning and implementation efforts associated with the increase in public funding dedicated to expanding child care and early education in Oakland.
To support SEEDS of Learning, an eight-month professional development program for transitional kindergarten and kindergarten teachers that includes materials, classroom tutor resources and ongoing coaching support.
For the purchase and distribution of approximately 400 tablets and laptops for prekindergarten through third grade SEEDS students to access digital learning from home.
To fund a book access program that allows students to choose books they are most excited to read, with level guidance from their teachers, and keep them for their home libraries.
To support East Bay Agency for Children’s (EBAC) early childhood education program via their Family Resource Center. This program will include the Parent-Child Education Support Program and EBAC’s early childhood education program, Little Steps to College.
For five Education for Change elementary schools to support improving core instruction and literacy supports for transitional kindergartners to second grade students and their teachers. Supports will include literacy coaches, tutor resources and facilitated professional learning communities for site leaders and teachers.
To support Oakland Public Library’s Literacy Programming Fund. Oakland Public Library will purchase 14,000 books for distribution through multiple programs, including but not limited to: Día (Diversity in Action), Books for Wider Horizons preschool graduation giveaways, Summer Reading, Winter Bingo, and Share the Love outreach (distribution via the Oakland Housing Authority, hospital waiting rooms and […]
For developmental playgroups, workshops for families, and early screenings for children birth to five. Funding will also support leading family resource center professional learning communities in the region and offering services to other birth to five providers.
To support continuous learning and capacity building services for literacy providers, schools and community based nonprofit organizations.
For a continued partnership focusing on transitional kindergarten to second grade literacy with 39 district schools. The goal is to reduce the number of second and third graders who are reading below grade level by providing targeted and data driven support in earlier years. Support includes leader and teacher professional development, SEEDS of Learning for […]