In partnership with Super Stars Literacy to provide remote guided reading instruction using AmeriCorps Reading Tutors for children at district partner schools.
To provide rapid cash assistance to Head Start families to support basic needs (food, rent, diapers).
In partnership with the Bay Area Parent Learning Action Network to provide virtual trainings for parent/caregiver learning communities on how to support and motivate reading at home, and effectively use school-provided learn-at-home resources.
For Chromebooks that will help families access home learning and video telehealth services.
For the launch of Kidappolis, a personalized mobile platform that scaffolds parent learning to support print and digital literacy skill-building and reading fluency for Oakland’s early learners through LitLab tools and services. The platform also connects families to safety-net service partners including homeless shelters, food banks and health clinics.
To aid staff at ten Oakland public housing agencies in addressing pressing needs for residents with children. This effort includes assessing the devices and technology needs for distance learning, curating accessible learn-at-home resources for families, and providing technical assistance to housing agency staff. And, in partnership with Reading with Relevance, they will offer literacy support […]
For implementation of High Expectations Parental Service’s dual capacity-building framework for family-school partnerships. High Expectations will establish and build the capacity of Family Engagement Action Teams and deliver their Family Engagement Institute for prekindergarten through third grade teachers at seven Oakland SEEDS of Learning school sites.
In collaboration with SEEDS of Learning, to support over 800 transitional kindergarten through third grade students to develop critical social-emotional tools for self-management, focus, and metacognitive skills. The program includes weekly mindfulness lessons for teachers and students to implement inside and outside the classroom.
For the Reading with Relevance Pilot, a standards-aligned program to provide relevant, culturally diverse books to support children’s reading comprehension, vocabulary, and social-emotional learning.
To support their five-week summer programming with Oakland Unified School District. Over 1,500 participants in Oakland will receive 2.5 hours of Springboard instruction as well as 30 minutes of SIPPS (Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words) throughout the program.