There is a critical need for non-invasive tests of Crohn’s disease activity to effectively guide diagnosis and therapy. Changes in the gut bacteria both reflect and contribute to inflammation in Crohn’s disease; however, current diagnostic test including invasive endoscopy or imaging procedures do not provide functional insight into the contribution to the underlying pathogenesis. Here, […]
Patients with IBD most commonly suffer from diarrhea. However, some IBD subjects also experience bouts of constipation as well. We propose that viral infections that humans acquire through insect bites (mosquitos and ticks) can infect cells that innervate the intestines and control bowel movements. We found that the immune system recognizes these infected cells and […]
The goal of this collaborative proposal is to create a novel 120,000 peptide chip for use in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of Crohn’s disease. The peptides will be both random and specific to gut bacterial proteins implicated in complicated Crohn’s disease. Patients with Crohn’s disease have a distinctive pattern of antibody binding to random […]
Intestinal Bowel Diseases (IBD) affect millions of lives worldwide. However, therapeutic options for IBD treatment are limited. In this proposal, building upon our previous findings, we propose to examine an important protein called ARTS, which has never-before been studied in connection to IBD. We have found that ARTS is able to coordinate the cellular suicide […]