To support preschool students and their caregivers who will participate in an interactive learning and reading program (in partnership with Literacy Lab).
For action research on chronic absenteeism in five Oakland elementary schools that will assess, capture data, and provide direct services for first grade students.
To serve children and parents through three projects: A pop up pre-school pilot program with the Lighthouse Charter Community School that will serve pre-school children, parents/caregivers, and educators; and an interactive learning and reading program in OUSD pre-schools; and Increased access to literacy resources and expansion in OUSD Transitional Kindergarten. ($85,000) Funding to provide ten faith […]
To offer parent-child playgroups with enriched play, and learning and literacy activities; and to support training other community partners in the Lotus Bloom model.
To create and pilot a validated tool to measure effective parent-family and community engagement practices, and for the creation of the technological infrastructure for the tool to be used nationwide.
For building early literacy capacity and curriculum into New Leaders’ leadership development continuum.
For the Talk, Read, Sing Oakland Baby Shower and Toddler Party, and to provide quality books for Alice’s Reading Room and Toddler Story-time.
For five Education for Change elementary schools to support improving core instruction and literacy supports for 900 transitional kindergartners to first grade students and their teachers. Funding includes: transitional kindergarten to first grade focused literacy coaches, tutor resources and a facilitated monthly professional learning community for site leaders and teachers to support data analysis and application of evidence-based […]
To support OPL’s Children’s Literacy Programming Fund. OPL will purchase 14,000 giveaway books for distribution through multiple programs, including but not limited to: Día (Diversity in Action) events, Books for Wider Horizons (BWH) preschool graduation giveaways, Summer Reading, Winter Bingo, and Share the Love outreach (distribution at the Oakland Housing Authority picnics, hospital waiting rooms, laundromats).
To provide support and maintenance of Literacy Lab’s LitTab (e-readers) program in 22 classrooms, LitBag (take home books with journals) program in 18 classrooms, and Learning Stations in 52 preschool classrooms, serving 1,752 students.