To increase reading proficiency through in-school and after-school literacy intervention programs.
To improve preschool site facilities and update/replace worn materials and equipment.
For families with children, birth to 3 years old.
To provide three Talk, Read, Sing parties for the young children of Allen Temple Baptist Church, Iglesia Bautista de Allen Temple and the surrounding East Oakland Picture1community.
To support literacy-focused activities during Sunday school on first and third Sundays at E. C. Reem’s Center of Hope Community Church.
To support family literacy events every third Saturday of the month.
To help prepare Mam-speaking children in the community, birth to age 5, to enter Kindergarten speaking English and Spanish in addition to their native Mam.
To support two Talk Read Sing parties to meaningfully engage families with young children.
Service grant only – for Talking is Teaching: Talk Read Sing training and resources for families with children birth to age 3 and Literacy Lab services.
For once-a-month early-literacy playgroups in Oakland to support parents in being their child’s first teacher.