Funding Opportunities - Kenneth Rainin Foundation

Funding Opportunities

Rainin Foundation grants support Bay Area artists, early childhood education in Oakland and international Inflammatory Bowel Disease research.

Grant Programs

A person wearing a loose-fitting colorful garment with both arms stretched out wide. Accepting Applications March 3-24


New & Experimental Works (NEW) Program

The NEW Program provides unrestricted and artist fee support grants of $5,000-$30,000 to small and mid-size dance, theater and multidisciplinary arts organizations that enable Bay Area artists to produce visionary projects relevant to the communities they serve.

Two people holding up a bright teal tarp while another dances underneath it. Accepting Applications May 21-June 17


Open Spaces Program

The Open Spaces Program supports artist-driven temporary, place-based public art projects that resonate with communities in San Francisco and Oakland.

Dr. Aida Habtezion speaking with another researcher in a lab. Closed To Applications


Innovator Awards

Our Health grants enable researchers worldwide to test ideas, gather and share data, and collaborate to advance the understanding of IBD. The Innovator Awards support individual research projects with grants of up to $150,000 and collaborative projects involving multiple investigators with grants of up to $300,000.

An early education classroom where two adults are on a playmat with two young children. One adult is high-fiving one of the children. Closed To Applications


Early Care Spaces

Early Care Spaces is an open application grant program that provides grants of up to $100,000 to support organizations promoting early language and literacy development for Oakland children from birth to five years old.

LaKeith Stanfield and Boots Riley on the set of the Administered by SFFILM


SFFILM Rainin Grants & Programs

The Rainin Foundation’s unique partnership with SFFILM began in 2009 with the SFFILM Rainin Grant program, which is the largest granting body for independent narrative feature films in the United States.

Two people dancing on a train; one wears a military uniform and the other wears a black hijab. Administered by United States Artists


The Rainin Arts Fellowship

The Rainin Arts Fellowship supports visionary Bay Area artists working in dance, film, public space and theater. This prestigious fellowship recognizes and supports artists who push the boundaries of creative expression, anchor local communities and advance the field. Visionary artists illuminate our experiences and envision pathways to more vibrant communities. They can help us to heal and show us a way forward.   

Someone holding up an app on their phone next to a model of a human chest with a patch on the abdomen. By Invitation Only


Invite-Only Grants

Invite-Only Grants complement our grantmaking programs in the Arts, Education and Health.

A group of people sitting around a table hearing from a museum staff member. By Invitation Only


Response Fund

The Response Fund supports exceptional, time-sensitive opportunities that advance the mission, vision, values and strategic goals of the Foundation.

Three people talking animatedly. By Invitation Only


Discretionary Awards

Discretionary Awards allow Kenneth Rainin Foundation staff and Board members to direct a grant to nonprofit organization of their choice.

A researcher sharing findings in a digital poster session. Sunsetted


Early Career Catalyst Award

To commemorate the Foundation's 15th anniversary of formal grantmaking, these one-time awards supported the work of two early career investigators whose research had the potential to improve the lives of people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

Four disabled artists dressed in black are in various states of motion; two on the ground and two jumping in the air in front of a colorful mural. Sunsetted


Impact Program

The Impact Program provided multi-year capacity building support to small and mid-size dance, theater and multidisciplinary arts organizations that received funding through the Foundation’s New and Experimental Works (NEW) Program.

Grant Applications

​​If you are interested in applying for a Kenneth Rainin Foundation grant, create a GivingData account. During open grant cycles, you can preview applications and apply for funding.

Grantee Search

Explore current and former Rainin Foundation grantees in the Arts, Education and Health.

Our Work

Learn more about how we work, what we’re learning and our three giving areas.