A three-year capacity building grant of $150,000 to support the organizationÕs audience development strategies, community engagement efforts and marketing activities.
A three-year capacity building grant of $105,000 toÊincrease staff capacity for pursuing national opportunities, grow revenue to support an increased number of projects and increase local and national visibility to widen the pool of work opportunities.
A three-year capacity building grant of $150,000 toÊexplore new models for presenting and exhibiting, to develop a back office support system for small arts organizations and to continue to create greater efficiencies in their systems.
A three-year capacity building grant of $150,000 to support restructuring staff roles, expanding individual giving and building artistic infrastructure.
A three-year capacity building grant of $120,000 to support strategic planning, facilities planning and leadership training.
A three-year capacity building grant of $150,000 to supportÊaudience development, individual giving and education.
A three-year capacity building grant of $105,000 to supportÊstaff infrastructure, fundraising and financial management.
A three-year capacity building grant of $150,000 to support capitalization, staffing and tech improvements.
A three-year capacity building grant of $105,000 to supportÊstrategic planning, staffing and professional development and funding.
A three-year capacity building grant of $97,500Êto support staffing and earned income strategies.