Up to 15% of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) will require surgery, the most common of which is the total proctocolectomy (TPC) with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA). Since 1980, the ‘J’ pouch has revolutionized the lives of thousands of patients, providing restoration of intestinal continuity and avoidance of a permanent end ileostomy. Unfortunately, pouchitis is […]
Colonization of the infant gut by commensal bacteria profoundly influences immune development and can thus have significant long-term consequences: promoting durable tolerance to environmental antigens or driving IBD. Despite the importance of this process for health, how immune responses to the microbiota are regulated during early life remain a significant gap in our knowledge. We […]
While pathogenic fungi have been identified in the gut of Crohn’s disease (CD) patients, their role in triggering gut inflammation is unclear. We recently showed that a high proportion of CD patients have a unique fungal species, D. hansenii, in their inflamed gut mucosa. We used mouse models to identify that key immune cell types […]
Diet is thought to be a major environmental factor contributing to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and represents a non-invasive path to improve this debilitating condition. To leverage diet to treat IBD the precise ways that dietary components influence development or healing of inflammation need to be determined. We discovered that different dietary protein sources have […]
How do immune responses of the intestinal lining contribute to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD)? The goals of this project are to determine how cells of the intestinal epithelium are “hardwired” to respond to immune stimuli and how stable changes to these responses are related to IBD. It is known that multiple inflammatory factors produced by […]
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is characterized by non-resolving pathological inflammation leading to erosion of the colon tissue. Recent studies analyzing gene expression signatures in UC patients highlighted specific colonic fibroblast populations that may contribute to inflammation and disease progression. While these studies emphasize the proinflammatory function of activated intestinal fibroblasts, it is unknown whether subsets of […]
Patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) can experience many years of inflammation and remission in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the intestines can undergo a structural change known as fibrosis, which narrows the inside. This narrowing is a major, and sometimes life-threatening, health issue for patients because it can block the passage of digested […]
Patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) require timely and efficacious therapeutic intervention. When conventional medications such as corticosteroids or 5-aminosalicylates fail to alleviate the disease, biologics that block a critical inflammatory molecule called tumor-necrosis-factor alpha (TNF_) are commonly used. Several drugs targeting TNF_ are currently used to treat IBD, which include Infliximab, Adalimumab, Etanercept, and […]
Recently there has been increased evidence that patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) commonly have disrupted sleep, and disrupted sleep correlates with the risk of disease flare. The sleep/wake cycle, immune function, and multiple biological processes are orchestrated by the circadian clock. The central circadian clock in the brain entrains these processes to the environment by […]
The intestine exerts the vital function of maximizing nutrient uptake from the diet we ingest, being constantly exposed to external stimulation by food components. Alterations in the timing of food intake and diet composition have been associated with the development of immune-related intestinal dysfunctions, including IBS. However, despite its profound biological and clinical relevance, there […]