Search Grantees - Kenneth Rainin Foundation

Search Grantees

Search current and former Kenneth Rainin Foundation grantees in the Arts, Education and Health to learn more about what we fund.

Grantee Giving Area Program Grant Year Project Title Amount  
The Center for Cultural Innovation Arts Invite-Only Grants 2017 Investing in Tomorrow $70,000.00
The Charlotte Maxwell Clinic Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2017 General Operating Support $5,000.00
The Charlotte Maxwell Clinic Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2017 General Operating Support $5,000.00
The Exploratorium Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2017 General Operating Support $27,000.00
The Exploratorium and Rosten Woo Arts Open Spaces Program 2017 “Mutual Air Society” $115,000.00
The Lab SF Arts NEW Program 2017 Claudia La Rocco’s “petit cadeau” $20,000.00
The Marsh Arts NEW Program 2017 “Times Unseen” $20,000.00
Theatre Bay Area Arts IMPACT Program (sunsetted) 2017 Capacity Building $150,000.00
Ubuntu Theater Project Inc. Arts NEW Program 2017 “This Land Was Made” by Tori Sampson $13,500.00
United Roots Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2017 General Operating Support $500.00
United States Fund for UNICEF Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2017 K.I.N.D.: Kids in Need of Desks $5,000.00
Unity Council of Alameda County, Inc. Education Education Grants 2017 Strategic Planning $40,000.00
University Medical Center Utrecht Health Innovator Awards 2017 Why Do Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Get Cancer? Characterizing the Mutation Load of Individual Intestinal Stem Cells in Inflammatory Conditions. $100,000
University of California - Berkeley Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2017 “The Possible (working title)” $25,000.00
University of California, Berkeley Health Innovator Awards 2017 Is Restricted Expression of TLR5 in the Small Intestine Necessary to Limit Responses to Commensal Bacteria? $100,000
University of California, San Francisco Health Innovator Awards 2017 Modulating Intestinal Epithelial Health and Enterochromaffin Cell Function. $100,000
University of California, San Francisco Health Innovator Awards 2017 Using Human Intestinal Organoids to Model IBD Pathogenesis. $100,000
University of Glasgow Health Innovator Awards 2017 Induction of Therapeutic Regulatory T Cells by Parasite Products. $100,000
University of Massachusetts Health Innovator Awards 2017 Maternal Inflammation: An Environmental Risk Factor for the Development of IBD? $100,000
University of Massachusetts Medical School Health Innovator Awards 2017 Dietary Cholesterol as a Central Hub for Intestinal Immunity and Microbial Homeostasis. $100,000
A site specific dance in Bayview-Hunter’s Point where three dancers are on top of a roof and one dancer is dancing on a wooden block with a briefcase.


Our Arts Program funds dance, film, public space and theater projects that highlight important issues facing our society and local communities.

A young Black girl smiling while she looks down at an open book, reading.


Our Education Program supports schools and community-based organizations that help Oakland’s children develop literacy and social emotional skills.

A female scientist in the lab looking into a microscope.


Our Health Program invests early in novel approaches and collaborations to advance Inflammatory Bowel Disease research.