Grants Archive - Page 88 of 187 - Kenneth Rainin Foundation

Supports the 22-23 Literacy Liberator Fellowship, which provides literacy skills, leadership skills and support in onboarding as tutors—Literacy Liberators—in OUSD.

Supports the operations, media, and advocacy of the 23-24 Literacy Liberator Fellowship, which provides literacy skills, leadership skills and support in onboarding as tutors—Literacy Liberators—in OUSD.

Supports its evidence-based summer program, which continues to prevent summer learning loss for participating students, and OUSD has drastically increased its contribution to the cost.

Individualized literacy support for 250 unduplicated students at OUSD public and charter schools with twice weekly, 45-minute literacy tutoring sessions.

Supports the continuation of the Oakland Public Library’s programming fund, which offers year-round programs for children, the West Oakland story bus service (transporting children in West Oakland to local branches) and book giveaways.

Mindful Life Project (MLP) has administered their multifaceted whole-community mindfulness-based social emotional learning programs within four East Oakland district and charter schools over the past four years.

Supports existing programs, as well as initiatives that promote community recovery from the pandemic, parent leadership and advocacy and family resource center collaboration to connect families to increased warm connections.

Supports OUSD, Eduction For Change and Aspire schools to implement equitable anti-racist practices through coaching and training for leaders and educators.