Search Grantees - Kenneth Rainin Foundation

Search Grantees

Search current and former Kenneth Rainin Foundation grantees in the Arts, Education and Health to learn more about what we fund.

Grantee Giving Area Program Grant Year Project Title Amount  
Learning Tree Cultural Center, Inc. Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2019 General Operating Support $7,500.00
LEMO (Liahona Motu) Foundation Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2019 General Operating Support $10,000.00
Lend A Hand Foundation Inc. of Northern California Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2019 General Operating Support $10,000.00
Lighthouse Community Public Schools Education Education Grants 2019 English Language Learner support $55,000.00
Literacy Lab Education Education Grants 2019 Kidappolis $50,000.00
Lotus Bloom Family Resource Center  Education Education Grants 2019 Family Resource Center $100,000.00
Luggage Store Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2019 General Operating Support $10,000.00
Massachusetts General Hospital Health Innovator Awards 2019 Designer Probiotics for the Targeted Delivery of IL-10 and IL-10 Mimetics to the Intestinal Lumen. $175,000
Massachusetts General Hospital Health Innovator Awards 2019 Crohn’s Disease Susceptibility Locus ITLN1 in Interactions of Commensal Bacteria with Intestinal Epithelia. $100,000
Massachusetts General Hospital Health Synergy Awards (sunsetted) 2019 Revealing a direct immunomodulatory role for bacteriophages to mitigate intestinal inflammation. $300,000
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Health Innovator Awards 2019 Using intestinal microbes to induce anti-inflammatory pathways in IBD. $175,000
Mighty Moose Foundation, Inc. Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2019 Ovarian Cancer Research $5,000.00
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2019 General Operating Support $5,000.00
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts Arts NEW Program 2019 “Synthetic Nature” $25,000.00
Monash University Health Innovator Awards 2019 Novel Bacteria as Therapeutic Candidates in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. $175,000
Motivating Inspiring Supporting and Serving Sexually Exploited Youth (MISSSEY) Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2019 General Operating Support $1,000.00
Mujeres Unidas Y Activas Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2019 General Operating Support $1,000.00
Museum of Craft and Design Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2019 General Operating Support $5,000.00
National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago Education Education Grants 2019 SEEDS of Learning longitudinal study $1,900,000.00
Nava Dance Theatre Arts NEW Program 2019 “Tea with Demons” $15,000.00
A site specific dance in Bayview-Hunter’s Point where three dancers are on top of a roof and one dancer is dancing on a wooden block with a briefcase.


Our Arts Program funds dance, film, public space and theater projects that highlight important issues facing our society and local communities.

A young Black girl smiling while she looks down at an open book, reading.


Our Education Program supports schools and community-based organizations that help Oakland’s children develop literacy and social emotional skills.

A female scientist in the lab looking into a microscope.


Our Health Program invests early in novel approaches and collaborations to advance Inflammatory Bowel Disease research.