Search Grantees - Kenneth Rainin Foundation

Search Grantees

Search current and former Kenneth Rainin Foundation grantees in the Arts, Education and Health to learn more about what we fund.

Grantee Giving Area Program Grant Year Project Title Amount  
University of Washington Health Innovator Awards 2013 Development of a Fecal Microbiota Transplant Mouse Model for Ulcerative Colitis to Identify Pro-and Anti-inflammatory Bacteria. $100,000
Untravel Media Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2013 “SOMA Stories (working title)” $5,000.00
Walking Iris Media Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2013 “OUT RUN” $1,000.00
Washington University Health Innovator Awards 2013 Interface Between Antigen-Presenting Cells, Lympahtics, and the Expansion of Adipose Tissue in Inflammatory Intestinal Disease. $100,000
Washington University School of Medicine Health Innovator Awards 2013 Synthetic Engineering of Enhanced Fitness and Adhesion Properties in Probiotics for the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. $100,000
Washington University School of Medicine Health Innovator Awards 2013 Identification of Microbial Triggers of Colitis in Genetically Relevant, Transmissible Mouse Model. $100,000
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Arts NEW Program 2013 YBCAway $20,000.00
Youth Speaks Inc. Arts NEW Program 2013 Living Word Project’s “Chasing Mehserle” $20,000.00
Zaccho Dance Theatre Arts NEW Program 2013 “Between me and the other World” $10,000.00
Alameda County Community Food Bank Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2012 The Backpack Program $5,000.00
American Conservatory Theater Foundation Arts IMPACT Program (sunsetted) 2012 Capacity Building $100,000.00
Berkeley Repertory Theatre Arts NEW Program 2012 The Ground Floor, Center for New Work $20,000.00
BOSS Children's Learning Center Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2012 Programs for Homeless Children $5,000.00
Can Do Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Discretionary Awards (Invitation Only) 2012 General Operating Support $2,000.00
Capacitor Arts NEW Program 2012 “Synaptic Motion” $20,000.00
Central Market Arts Alliance Arts NEW Program 2012 “What’s on Stage?” $20,000.00
Circuit Network Arts NEW Program 2012 “Can’t Stop Won’t Stop” $15,000.00
Community Works West Arts NEW Program 2012 “Well Contested Sites” Education Outreach and Social Engagement $10,000.00
CounterPULSE Arts NEW Program 2012 Artist Residency Commissioning Program $20,000.00
Crowded Fire Theater Company Arts NEW Program 2012 “Invasion!” by Jonas Hassen Khemiri $11,000.00
A site specific dance in Bayview-Hunter’s Point where three dancers are on top of a roof and one dancer is dancing on a wooden block with a briefcase.


Our Arts Program funds dance, film, public space and theater projects that highlight important issues facing our society and local communities.

A young Black girl smiling while she looks down at an open book, reading.


Our Education Program supports schools and community-based organizations that help Oakland’s children develop literacy and social emotional skills.

A female scientist in the lab looking into a microscope.


Our Health Program invests early in novel approaches and collaborations to advance Inflammatory Bowel Disease research.